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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes, 02/20/2008
Minutes of Meeting – February 20, 2008; meeting called to order at 5:30 pm.  
Present:  RN Sandlin; S Pavlosky; L. Messana.  Absent:  JH Pumphrey; RT Akroyd.

MOTION by LM, seconded by SP to accept the Minutes of February 6 as presented.  3/0 vote.

Water/Sewer Rate Hearing:  DPW Superintendent Jeff Vincent appeared before the Board, recommending that the Board raise the basic water rate 3% and the sewer rate 8%, leaving all other rates as they currently are.  Currently the sewer rate is lower then that water rate which is the opposite of what it should be.  Looming sewer capital needs necessitates the rate increase. After some discussion, MOTION by SP, seconded by LM to increase water rates by 3%, increasing the rate from $4.82 to $4.96 per thousand gallons beginning May 1, 2008.  3/0 vote.  MOTION by SP, seconded by LM to increase sewer rates by 8%, increasing the rate from $4.74 to $5.12 per thousand gallons beginning May 1 2008.  3/0 vote.

MOTION by LM, seconded by SP to ratify the appointment of Beth Carroll as Office Manager at the DPW at a beginning pay rate of $18.75 per hour.  3/0 vote.

MOTION by LM, seconded by SP to grant permission to host the “Coaching” weekend over the Columbus Day holiday in October 2008.  3/0 vote.  Mr. Waller was reminded to speak with the Police Chief as far as traffic control is concerned.

Andrea Goodman from the Cantilena Chamber Choir appeared before the Board to introduce herself and her group, and to ask for support, both financial and otherwise.  She understood that the Town does not have a fund to use for financial support beyond the small cultural council account and could not offer financial support at this time, but asked if they could support her group in the form of publicity.  They agreed, and wished her the best of luck with her endeavors.

MOTION by SP, seconded by LM to accept, on behalf of the Lenox Library, the cash distribution in connection with the Attorney Generals’ Compact Disc Litigation Settlement.  3/0 vote.

MOTION by SP, seconded by LM to grant a leave of absence to Kim Graham from February 18 until March 10, 2008 so that she may attend to her ill step-daughter.  3/0 vote.

RNS mentioned that the Community Preservation Committee is putting forth their recommendations for funding.  A final vote on the recommended projects and their funding levels will be taken following a public hearing on March 6 at 6pm.

MOTION by LM, seconded by SP to acknowledge receipt of a petition from William Vahle seeking to amend the C1A boundary line to include all of the Five Chairs property located on Pittsfield Road; said petition to be passed along to the Planning Board for their consideration.  3/0 vote.

There was a discussion regarding the reformatting of the zoning by-laws.  A Special Town Meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, April 15 at the high school to take up 3 or 4 possible amendments, including the reformatting.  Another public forum (2/26 at 6:30pm at Town Hall) and a formal public hearing will be held by the Planning Board prior to the STM.  

Regarding the Planning Board vacancy, the Selectmen agree with the Planning Board that no interim appointment needs to be made with the May elections close at hand.

The Board discussed various items included in the DPW budgets with the superintendent, agreeing to increase the snow and ice budget for FY09.

MOTION by LM, seconded by SP to authorize deficit spending in the FY08 Snow and Ice budget.  The frequent ice storms and higher fuel costs have put us over budget with more winter still to go.  3/0 vote.

Old/New Business:  LM announced the employee anniversary dates for Paul Pelkey, Chris O’Brien and Dan Clifford.  She asked if the Board would be willing to send a letter to Time Warner supporting adding C-SPAN2 back to the basic line-up.  The Board agreed.  TM mentioned that the Hampton Inn will be seeking their certificate of occupancy soon but that they have not paid all their utility capacity fees.  The Board reaffirmed their policy that all fees need to be paid prior to issuing a CofO.  The Hampton Inn needs to pay all of their outstanding fee or make a payment that was due in December and sign the agreement for paying the amount over $100,000 over a five year period.  

Meeting adjourned at 6:40pm.

Minutes Taken By: ______________________        Minutes Accepted By: ______________________
                   Mary Ellen Deming                                          Clerk
                   Assistant to Town Manager                                 Board of Selectmen

Mary Ellen Deming
Town of Lenox
Town Hall - 6 Walker Street
Lenox, MA  01240
phone:  (413) 637-5500
fax:       (413) 637-5518